Winter Kiss Winter Kiss Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss
Winter Kiss

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

YES, it is!!!!!We have a NEW layout(what's better I made it!XD)!!!!
Well, it's not good, but it's my first one, okay!?

*sighs* I still got a lot of things to clean here, and the TGQ boards is (possibly) moving...

Well, as you can see, I'm addicted to Kurama right now (ROLFMAO), and this made me fainted:


Yes, I can't believe it myself XD. I'll post where I got that later, I got a LOT of other things to do...

BTW, here's a site Anime lovers would love:

It's for shoujo, actually, but there are some shonen too ^^;
Snow fell @: 4:04 AM, and 0 host club members rejoiced.
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